…Because Everyone Does This on New Year

“…Brown paper packages!
Tied up with strings!
These are a few of my favorite things!”

Definitely not my favorite things, lest some heavy bucks of cash is innit!
Let Julie Andrews sings her heart out in the classic song, also currently nailing the top of Christmas 2013 chart thanks to Kelly Clarkson wide range octave, but I have some of my own favorite things in 2013.

Fully realizing that I did not share that much in 2013, I would like to do it now.
Why? Because it is the high season for all the “oh-2013-was-such-a-great-year-and-2014-will-be-even-more-so”.
Let’s say that for 364 days you were this zombie with a routine sleep-wake cycle and on this one special day you feel that your life is meant to serve a greater purpose. New resolutions should be made. Shed the weight! Quit the mundane job! Shoot the irritating boss! Start a revolution!

But what the heck, I am not that mechanical organism whose days just pass by meaninglessly. 2013 was a great year for me and here is why.

1. I kidnapped someone whom I have always had a big crush on
And I also forced that someone to lay beside me every single night to infinity, listening to my endless bed-time grumpy story, cleaning my bathroom (like squeaky-clean) with a perfect mixture of chlorine and cleaning agent, confessing his undying love to me in every chance possible, and all other possible torments imaginable. All started with a hot damp day on July 7th, 2013 when we exchanged vows. He missed the part when he is supposed to promise to always be faithful to me. I missed the part of smiling graciously in front of cameras throughout the day. The pastor nearly dropped our rings (much to the superstitious sentiment my mother cautioned many days earlier: “Do not drop the ring!”); the marriage certificate drama; the turned-out-to-be splendid Beatles-themed candy-corner; the overexposure photobooth; the never-coming wedding album. Also thy shall not forget the epic battle of the wedding date.
One word: AWESOME.
I surely can not comprehend how we managed to survive all the dramas alive and still loving each other so. But we did. Moreover, we are utterly blessed with the coming of one additional personnel. Now that I have two confidantes, I become so invincible. Bring it on 2014!

2. Precious lessons are never free of charge
I always believe that what molds us into a sound human-being are experiences. To go even more extreme, I like the idea of punishment-reward mechanism: you get reward, you may not always remember why; but when you get punishment, the “why” will etch your brain until alzheimer shoo it away. As for me, I always get punished for my hot-temper, an-eye-for-an-eye attitude. That almost cost me my wedding. Even though the universe decided not to punish me in the most severe way possible, damages still occurred. Words that could never be retrieved, scars that could never be excised with the most advanced plastic surgery procedure.
What good comes from inflicting pain on others? Sure it gives a pure devilish satisfaction, also superb movies to watch (Hence comes my favorite Revenge Trilogy by Park Chan-wook). But the truth is, one burnt bridge is one too many. Especially when that person is someone dear to our heart. This leads to another interesting thought: why is it so easy to hurt people who loves us? When things are not going our way and our mood turns sour, it is so damn easy to fire the bullets to our family or close friends, knowing that they are the most unlikely to hurt us back. And of course, since we have their hearts, we can crush it too easily.
Let’s just say, I wish 2013 to be my last year of getting this kind of lesson. Period.

3. Counting my blessings instead of sheep
Counting sheep is so old-fashioned. I never take a liking to this kind of insomnia-battling method since Mr. Bean proved in one of his endearing short episodes that it is such a dull one. I instead reminisce the lighthearted conversation I have with my husband, the sweet things I manage to clam my jaws to, the small thuds of our junior’s fist inside my belly, the new bad work in Russia that I recently learned just to annoy my Russian/Ukrainian friends, the newly conquered level of Candy Crush, the Christmas tune that I am so fond of lately, the photograph of my little brother smiling from ear-to-ear, unexpected help from unexpected people, and so on.
These put me to sleep without fail, especially on days when my baby claimed most part of my belly to herself and squeezed my internal organs in the process.
So, yes, I am going to keep counting my blessings in 2014.

October 2013 -- enjoying last autumn breeze in 2013

October 2013 — enjoying last autumn breeze in 2013

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